Protact Inc.
Protact Inc. is located in Mississauga, Canada. The company was incorporated in 1993 by a Canadian machine designer to design, develop and market industrial products. Protact's first product was the PowderPump, a powder sample introduction device for inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectrometers invented by Roger Guevremont and Nimal De Silva of CANMET.
The Name Protact comes from two words - Prototype and Action, two essentials for launching new products.
This online store was launched in Oct. 2015 to provide a customer connection. The first online products are operator joysticks for controlling cranes and Rubber Tired Gantry cranes. Our founder worked on crane controls with Magnetek for a decade.
Other product offerings include our superior belt wear pad and wheel bracket for the Rapistan 977 high speed curved belt conveyor, which practically eliminate metal part damage on these workhorse conveyors.
Comments or questions? Feel free to contact us at:
Phone 416-567-4539
FAX 905-567-0629